Mainly there are 3 kinds of termites in Japan. Each kind has dangerous charactor.
About “Yamato-termite”
In Japan we can find mainly three kinds of termites. “Yamato-shiroari(Yamato-termite)”, “Ie-shiroari(House-termite)” and “Kanzai-shiroari”(Dry-Wood-termite)” these are the termites seen inJapan. Especially “Yamato-shiroari” is found in most part of Japan.
“Yamato-shiroari” eats the fiber of wood, and lives in high humid place. “Yamato-shiroari”makes soil tunnel to move out to other places, so if you find a kind of narrow line made by soil around our house, it may be damaged by termites.
“Yamato-shiroari” can not clime up to high place over 6feets (1.8meters), so mainly they tend to appear under the house. Therefore they eat the base pillar of house. That causes severe damage because there are thousands of termites in one school.
In the begining of May, Great number of “Yamato-termite” spread the wings and fly to another place, How many termites are flying are normally over 1 thousand, that’s really awful situation, it might be an sereous damage.
Please be careful with termites flying with wings. If you find it, please call us (0120-094-781) to exterminate. You don’t have to pay for coming, checking your house, and advising how much it cost to exterminate your house.